Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fact: Truth about Dracula

Did you know that Dracula real name is vlad his father was called “Dracul” which means dragon or devil in Romania because he belong to the order of the dragon. Vlad, or Dracula, was born in 1431 in Transylvania into a noble family.

Vlad son of Dracul is called Dracula which means son of dragon or son of devil. The scholar believe that this where the legend of Dracula the vampire begin.

Vlad live in a time of continuous war, Transylvania was at the frontier of two great empires: the Ottoman Turks and the Austrian. Dracula was captured by the Turk and was imprison and later imprison by the Hungarians. Dracula father was murder, while his older brother, Mircea, was blinded with red-hot iron stakes and buried him alive. Since 1448 until his death in 1476, Dracula ruled Walachia and Transylvania, together part of Romania today. Vlad become infamous because of his way of killing his enemy. Dracula favorite method of torment was to impale people and leave them to struggle in agony, frequently for days until it dies. There was a time that Dracula was report to have eat a meal on a table set up outside amidst hundreds of impaled dead. On chance he was also report to have eaten bread dipped in blood. Later on Dracula was killed during the fighting of the Turks Dracula head was cut off and displayed in Constantinople.

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